Hitting Techniques Archives - CageList Blog https://blog.cagelist.com/category/hitting_techniques/ Everything you need to know about building a backyard batting cage and more Mon, 12 Aug 2024 23:10:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://blog.cagelist.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-Square-Logo-32x32.png Hitting Techniques Archives - CageList Blog https://blog.cagelist.com/category/hitting_techniques/ 32 32 What is Mental Approach to Hitting? Insights from Isaac Hess https://blog.cagelist.com/what-is-mental-approach-to-hitting-insights-from-isaac-hess/ Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:58:50 +0000 https://blog.cagelist.com/?p=1716 The post What is Mental Approach to Hitting? Insights from Isaac Hess appeared first on CageList Blog.

Hey folks, Isaac Hess here. I’ve spent a good chunk of my life playing baseball professionally and coaching aspiring athletes, and I can tell you one thing for sure: hitting is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. Today, I want to share some insights from my journey in baseball, from playing professionally to coaching the next generation, to tell you about the Mental Approach to Hitting.


The Power of Focus

Focus is everything when you’re up at the plate. Back in my playing days, I’d often get caught up thinking about too many things at once – my stance, the pitcher’s tendencies, even the crowd noise. It wasn’t until I developed a pre-pitch routine that things started to click.


Ever find your mind wandering when you’re up to bat?

Here’s what worked for me: I developed a simple pre-pitch routine to center myself. I’d adjust my gloves, take a deep breath, and lock in on the pitcher’s hand. This routine became my anchor, helping me stay present and focused solely on the pitch coming my way. Try it out – find a routine that suits you and stick with it.


Building Confidence

Confidence can make or break your performance at the plate. I’ve seen it countless times, both in my career and while coaching. The difference between a confident hitter and a doubtful one is night and day.

I’ll never forget a piece of advice from one of my coaches: “Confidence isn’t about being better than everyone else; it’s about knowing you can compete with anyone.” This mindset shift was huge for me. Whenever I felt doubt creeping in, I’d remind myself of past successes, no matter how small. That little mental boost was often all I needed to regain my confidence.


Struggling to keep your confidence up, especially after a slump?

Positive self-talk is a powerful tool. When negative thoughts start to take over, counter them with positive affirmations. Something simple like, “I’ve hit this guy before,” or “My swing feels good today,” can shift your mindset. Visualization is another great technique – picture yourself hitting the ball solidly and driving it to the outfield. Over time, these practices can significantly boost your confidence.


Handling Pressure

Pressure is part of the game, no doubt about it. Whether it’s bases loaded with two outs or a crucial at-bat late in the game, learning to handle pressure is essential.

One technique I picked up is to focus on the process rather than the outcome. Sean Casey, a former MLB player, would always emphasize staying in the moment. He’d say, “Think about your mechanics and trust your training.”


Do you feel overwhelmed when the game is on the line?

Break the situation down into smaller, manageable parts. Focus on one pitch at a time and remember to breathe. Deep breaths can help calm your nerves and keep you grounded. Embrace the pressure as a chance to prove yourself rather than something to fear.


If your player is a beginner then i’d definitely recommend you these Hitting Techniques for beginners. Go read it after you’ve complete reading this one.


Here are some exercises for mental toughness

Mental toughness isn’t something you’re born with – it’s developed through practice and persistence. Here are a few exercises that helped me and can help you too:


  1. Visualization: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing successful at-bats. Imagine the pitch, the swing, and the ball making solid contact. This mental rehearsal prepares you for the real thing.


  1. Mindfulness Meditation: I can’t overstate the benefits of mindfulness. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided sessions that are great for athletes. A few minutes of mindfulness each day can improve focus and reduce anxiety.


  1. Journaling: Keeping a hitting journal was a game-changer for me. After each game, I’d jot down what went well and what didn’t. Reflecting on my performance helped me identify patterns and areas for improvement.


  1. Breathing Exercises: Before stepping up to the plate, practice deep breathing. Inhale for four counts, hold for four, and exhale for four. This simple exercise can do wonders for calming nerves and maintaining focus.


During my coaching career, I’ve always encouraged players to keep a small notebook in their gear bag. Writing down three things they did well and one thing to improve after each game helps keep the focus on progress and growth.

All in all, developing a strong plate presence is about mastering the mental game just as much as the physical one. By enhancing your focus, building confidence, handling pressure, and practicing mental toughness, you can step up to the plate with a clear, strong mind. Remember, even the best players have faced struggles – what sets them apart is their mental approach.

So next time you’re at bat, take a deep breath, focus on the pitch, and swing with confidence. You’ve got this!


Happy hitting,

Isaac Hess




Did you know, that you can list your backyard batting cage on Cagelist.com and earn money by renting it out to other players? The higher the quality and safety of your batting cage and the resources it provides potential renters, the higher the hourly rate you will be able to charge for it.

Want to see other batting cage projects to get inspiration and get helpful tips to help you complete your project?

Join our backyard batting cages facebook group and subscribe to our CageList blog.

The post What is Mental Approach to Hitting? Insights from Isaac Hess appeared first on CageList Blog.

Hitting Techniques for Beginners: Mastering the Fundamentals! https://blog.cagelist.com/hitting-techniques-for-beginners-mastering-the-fundamentals/ Sun, 19 May 2024 21:34:52 +0000 https://blog.cagelist.com/?p=1586 The post Hitting Techniques for Beginners: Mastering the Fundamentals! appeared first on CageList Blog.


Hey there, future sluggers! If you’re just starting your journey into the world of baseball or softball, you’re about to embark on one of the most exciting and rewarding challenges: learning how to hit. Also, hitting a baseball is often called the hardest thing to do in sports, but after learning these Hitting Techniques for Beginners and consistent practice, you’ll be knocking them out of the park in no time. It’s not just about swinging a bat; it’s about mastering your stance, grip, and swing mechanics to create a powerful and accurate connection with the ball.

Think of the greats—every legendary hitter started exactly where you are now. The fundamentals of hitting are your foundation. A solid stance gives you balance, a proper grip offers control, and refined swing mechanics ensure that you can generate power and accuracy. Although, these basics might seem simple, but they are crucial for your development as a hitter. By focusing on these elements, you’re setting yourself up for success and building the skills necessary to improve your game.

This is where batting cages come into play.

They provide a consistent and controlled environment perfect for honing your skills. Batting cages allow you to focus on repetition and muscle memory, offering a place where you can take countless swings without the distractions of a live game. You can receive immediate feedback and make adjustments on the fly, which is essential for beginners looking to refine their technique. With the help of batting cages, you’ll find yourself becoming more confident and capable with every practice session.

Before you move on, we’d like to highlight the most important aspect of a backyard batting cage that is also neglected the most. And it’s Safety! A backyard batting cage is as good as the safety it offers. So before you build cage or book a facility, you must check these 7 Batting Cage Safety Measures that You Must Not Ignore”  especially if a beginner is going to use it.    

Now let’s move on to

The Hitting Techniques for Beginners

When it comes to hitting, there are a few fundamental techniques every beginner should focus on: stance, grip, and swing mechanics. These basics form the foundation upon which you’ll build your skills, and getting them right from the start will set you up for success.

Stance: Setting Up for Success
Your stance is the starting point for every successful swing. A solid stance provides balance, power, and the ability to react quickly to different pitches.


  1. Feet Placement: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, giving you a stable base. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your weight distributed evenly on the balls of your feet. This helps you stay balanced and ready to move.


  1. Body Position: Your body should face the plate, with your front shoulder slightly closed toward the pitcher. This position helps you see the ball better and generate more power from your hips and legs.


  1. Relaxation: Stay relaxed but alert. Tension can slow down your reaction time and make your movements less fluid. Keep your hands loose and your shoulders relaxed.


Grip: Holding the Bat Like a Pro
How you hold the bat is crucial to your swing. A proper grip can improve your control and power.


  1. Top Hand and Bottom Hand: If you’re right-handed, your left hand is the bottom hand, and your right hand is the top hand (reverse for left-handers). Grip the bat firmly but not too tight—imagine holding a bird: firm enough so it doesn’t fly away, but gentle enough not to hurt it.


  1. Alignment: Align the knuckles of your top hand with the knuckles of your bottom hand. This alignment ensures that your wrists can move freely and generate more bat speed.


  1. Bat Position: Hold the bat at a 45-degree angle above your shoulder. This position keeps the bat ready to move through the strike zone quickly and efficiently.

Swing Mechanics: The Art of Connecting with the Ball
Now that you’re set up with a good stance and grip, it’s time to focus on the swing itself. The swing can be broken down into three main phases: the load, the swing, and the follow-through.


  1. The Load: The load is a slight movement backward that helps you gather power for the swing. As the pitcher begins their motion, shift your weight onto your back foot and slightly lift your front foot. Keep your hands back and your eyes on the pitcher.


  1. The Swing: As the pitch approaches, stride forward with your front foot, transferring your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Your hands should move directly to the ball, and your hips should rotate to generate power. Keep your head still and your eyes on the ball.


  1. The Follow-Through: After making contact, let your arms extend fully and follow through with your swing. Your back foot should pivot, and your body should remain balanced. The follow-through is important for maintaining power and ensuring a smooth, natural swing.


How Batting Cages Can Help Beginners Develop Their Skills
Now that we’ve covered the Hitting Techniques for beginners, you might be wondering, “How do I practice all this?” That’s where batting cages come in. Batting cages are a fantastic tool for beginners for several reasons.


  1. Consistent Practice Environment

    Batting cages provide a controlled environment where you can focus on your technique without the variables you’d face on an open field. The consistent speed and placement of pitches allow you to concentrate on perfecting your stance, grip, and swing mechanics. On CageList.com, you can simply search and book a cage to practice your swings anywhere in the US. It’s literally like Airbnb but for batting cages. And if you own a backyard batting cage then you can list and start renting it out.

  2. Repetition and Muscle Memory

    One of the keys to becoming a great hitter is repetition. The more you practice, the more your body learns to perform the movements automatically. Batting cages allow you to take numerous swings in a short amount of time, helping you build the muscle memory necessary for a consistent, powerful swing.

  3. Instant Feedback

    Batting cages offer immediate feedback on your performance. You can quickly see the results of each swing, which helps you make adjustments on the fly. Many modern batting cages also have video analysis tools, allowing you to review your swings in slow motion and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Building Confidence

    For beginners, facing live pitching can be intimidating. Batting cages provide a low-pressure environment where you can build your confidence. As you become more comfortable hitting in the cage, you’ll find it easier to transition to hitting in actual games.

  5. Variety of Pitches

    Many batting cages offer machines that can simulate different types of pitches—fastballs, curveballs, sliders, and more. Practicing against a variety of pitches helps you develop the ability to recognize and react to different pitch types, an essential skill for any hitter.

  6. Structured Practice

    Using a batting cage allows you to structure your practice sessions more effectively. You can focus on specific aspects of your swing, such as timing or contact point, without the distractions of an open field. This structured approach can lead to more efficient and productive practice sessions.


Mastering the Hitting Techniques for Beginners will take its own sweet time, patience, and a lot of practice. By focusing on your stance, grip, and swing mechanics, you’ll lay a solid foundation for your development as a hitter. Batting cages are an invaluable tool for beginners, offering a consistent, controlled environment where you can hone your skills and build confidence.

So, lace up those cleats, grab your bat, and head to the nearest batting cage. With dedication and practice, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of hitting. Remember, every great hitter started as a beginner, and with the right techniques and a lot of hard work, you can achieve your hitting goals. Happy swinging!

Additionally, if you are looking for inspiration and helpful tips for your batting cage project, then we highly recommend you to join our Backyard Batting Cages Facebook group and subscribe to the CageList blog to connect with other owners and learn from their experiences.


Do you own a backyard batting cage?

Join 1000's of other people listing their backyard batting cages on CageList.com and renting it out at an hourly rate.

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On CageList.com, you can find local private batting cages anywhere in the country. Sign up for free today and go find a batting cage near you!

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The post Hitting Techniques for Beginners: Mastering the Fundamentals! appeared first on CageList Blog.
